Amazon Mobile Optimization – The Ultimate Guide for 2023

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Amazon Mobile Optimization

Amazon Mobile Listing Optimization - Is this a priority for you? 

Amazon Mobile Optimization for Product Listings should be the standard by which you base the creation of your listings.

An optimized listing does not happen by default. If you don't know this yet, then you will hear it in this article first. Whether you like it or not, the majority of traffic that you receive is on mobile.

More and more of those searches begin with voice, and more consumers are choosing video content over reading.

This article will focus on the path of least resistance, mobile optimization, and altering your listing process to a mobile-first priority.  

What Is Mobile Listing Optimization?

Mobile optimization concerns formatting the different components and features of a listing to look good on mobile. It is imperative that it also be functional and fulfill its purpose.

The visual presentation is different from a desktop to a mobile device and different from device to device. Optimizing for mobile requires a specific strategy and understanding of the layout and presentation changes that occur.

Your product ranking and ultimately, your sales on Amazon depend on your ability to optimize to be convert and to optimize to be found. Now more than ever, your ability to optimize to convert on mobile is necessary.

If you have not yet begun to seriously create all of your listings from a MOBILE-FIRST priority, why are you waiting?

The shift to mobile dominance started long ago. As you will see shortly, failing to optimize for mobile-first has consequences. Those consequences equal lost conversions, which for eCommerce sellers, means sales.

NEWS FLASH:  Over 80% of shoppers are on a mobile device the first time they browse your products. **You get 1 chance to create a great first impression. Blow it here and they will not remember your listing to look at it when they return to purchase.  Have you even seen your listings on a mobile device?  Mobile listing optimization is your responsibility.

Why Should I Optimize My Listings For Mobile?

On Prime Day, Amazon app usage traditionally spikes. That alone should be all the motivation needed to change your strategy. Every day you do not focus on a mobile-first optimization routine is just another day of forfeiting some sales to the person that is.

Optimize your product listings to improve the buying experience.  This leads to sales and buyer satisfaction, increasing the chance of receiving a positive review. If the majority of buyers are finding you via mobile, you need to optimize for mobile. 

If you haven't considered mobile optimization necessary or checked your listings on different mobile devices, now is a great time to start. Amazon listing optimization for mobile means optimizing the user experience, and the ease of which your audience interprets your message.

Always optimize for humans, for your audience and their conversion. You can always pay for traffic to be found. If your content cannot connect with and motivate your audience, all the traffic in the world will not change that.   A thorough understanding of your buyer personas is the first step in clearly understanding your audience and how to communicate on their level.

Ensuring that your listing displays correctly on mobile devices is part of the process of optimizing for humans. Fine-tune your content and message to turn your visitor into a highly motivated and excited user.

It takes far less traffic and less effort to generate sales & achieve great results. Sales and conversions will increase as well.

What This Guide Will Teach You

Optimizing for mobile is not difficult. It starts with awareness, and the understanding of how the listing layout and buyer-flow are affected. This article will:

  • Guide you through the strategy changes
  • Show examples of how perception is affected
  • Show you some of the consequences of failing to prepare

Take advantage of the easy opportunity to improve conversion rates by ensuring that you have a listing optimized for mobile users.

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How Do I Optimize My Amazon Listings For Mobile?

  1. 1
    Create Easily Consumed Information - Short sweet, easy to read paragraphs
  2. 2
    Title - Optimize your title for so if they only see 80 characters, it makes an impact.
  3. 3
    Images - Your first image, like your title, is the first impression. It must be powerful enough to get them to click on the listing.
  4. 4
    A+ - Formerly called EBC(Enhanced Brand Content) looks fantastic on mobile and shows first. A seller must be Brand Registered to use A+ Content.
  5. 5
    Description - This displays before the bullets on mobile. Consider starting your description with a powerful, emotional call to action. Use short, clear paragraphs.
  6. 6
    Bullets - Quality over quantity. Make your bullets short, concise, and target the emotional benefits achieved by making the purchase. Initially only 3 show.
  7. 7
    Product Information - Emphasize your most essential features by including them in the Product Information section. It also aides Amazon in further classifying your item.
  8. 8
    Video Shorts - Add Videos demonstrating your product, reviews, unboxing's or how-to's under the Related Video Shorts area of a listing.

As you can see, most of the items above are things that you are already doing. They only require subtle changes, but you must understand the Amazon Mobile Listing Default Layout and how their display changes. First though, listed below are some recent statistics that you should be aware of.

PRO TIP: Amazon retired EBC in August of 2019 replacing it with the A+ content program formerly only available to vendors. It contains features that gave vendors a competitive advantage over 3p sellers. Things like additional keyword real estate on the backend of the images used in the A+ content. 

A comparison slider is also available. Using A+ still retains the description in the listing after the A+ shows for vendors only.  This is a huge advantage. If you currently have EBC, consider upgrading the content to A+ to take advantage of the additional features.

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Mobile-First Presentation - Consider these recent statistics:

  • Number of Mobile Devices In Use:  10 Billion Worldwide
  • Percentage of Users Browsing Products Initially On Mobile:   80%
  • Percentage of Users Making The Final Purchase On Desktop:   67%
  • Monthly Mobile App Users:145.2 Million ( 3/2019)
  • Millennials that consider it their most important App:  35%
  • Percentage of app usage surge on Prime Day:   35%

There are far more mobile devices in use worldwide than the total number of adults on the planet. The second and third statistics matter the most. Over 80% of users start their browsing journey on mobile, but over 67% complete the purchase on a desktop.

The statistics presented above should reinforce your understanding of the importance of mobile listing optimization and your priorities. Optimize your listings from a mobile-first priority for the users, for conversions and sales first. Then go back and make sure you are also optimized to be found in the search results.

Mobile Listing Defaults

High statistics combined with the yearly increases should be all that is needed to make mobile optimization a standout KPI for sellers.

Why do sellers not give this the attention necessary? Those that do are winning the conversion battle.

Amazons' standard changes for mobile layout are as follows.

  • Only display 80 characters of the title
  • Display no more than 7 images
  • If A+ is used, it appears before the description
  • Display the first 200 characters of the description
  • Only show the 3 bullets after the description 

When you first click into a listing, this is how it should present itself. Viewing additional detail requires yet another click on an element to see the full text.

Side By Side Mobile Views

Side By Side Mobile Views  1.4

Amazon Listing Layouts Are Not Consistent And Change Often

After extensive verification and device testing, we found this to be different from device to device even on the same listing. Sometimes three bullets, other times, five bullets, are displayed.   Plus as you have probably noticed, Amazon is constantly testing design layouts which can have a major effect on the presentation of your listing.   The only listings optimized for these changes are their own.  Every other listing suffers the consequences until you notice and fix it.

Please don't fool yourself into assuming that because it appears one way on your device that it seems that way on all devices. It does not! You must consider the chance that all a potential buyer will see is the Amazon standard. If not, then you might miss out on at least those potential sales.

Mobile presentation layouts give the buyer multiple CTA's to leave the page. This occurs before getting to the most substantial part of the listing, the description, and bullets. This makes the quality of your images all the more critical.

The listing example above contains three everyday photos in the photo slider. There is nothing to entice the buyer to stay on the listing and read the description. It needs 2 to 4 more pictures, each image calling out and showing a specific benefit. That would help keep them involved and interested in your product.

Amazon measures time on page as a relevance indicator. Please give them a reason to stay on the page and want more information. In the main listing display, thumbnails have disappeared. We must rely on the potential buyers' knowledge of the need to swipe to see additional images.

Emulate Different Devices In Your Browser To Verify Mobile Optimization

You are not going to have every different device to see how your listings will look. In your browser is a tool to emulate the different devices quickly right on your screen.

In Chrome, right-click anywhere on the screen and choose Inspect. This opens the Chrome Developer Tools window. Locate the icons pictured below and click it. You will see your screen transform into a mobile phone emulator. Be sure first to refresh your screen, so the contents resize.

You can change device types and display mode right above the emulator. Firefox works the same way, right-click anywhere on the screen and choose Inspect element. Locate the icon as pictured below and click it. It provides the same features as Chrome.

Chrome Device Selection

Chrome Device Switch  1.2

Firefox Device Selection

Firefox Device Switch  1.3

Mobile Optimized Search Results

Before we even get into the listing, we need to discuss the importance of the search results and how you can impact them. We will discuss images in-depth further along in the article, but we must briefly address them here. 

Amazon suggests a minimum image size of 1000 × 1000 pixels to enable the zoom feature. We choose a rectangle, not square, a portrait with a minimum shortest length of 1200 px. Our minimum image size would be 1200 × 1800 px, but we usually go with 2000 × 3000 px.

Over 80% of your buyers browse first on Mobile, yet 67% finish the purchase on desktop. If you cannot stand out on mobile, the chances of getting the sale on the desktop are slim. The name of the game here is brand awareness. You cannot miss any opportunity to get your product in front of a potential buyer.

Always list products here or anywhere else with a mobile-first priority.

Look at these images in the search results. The middle picture is the standard square photo. Notice the amount of space below the image? The bottom is the primary image shot in a landscape view — a lot of wasted space. 

The top image makes the best use of the available space, as we will demonstrate in the image section of this article. You only get one chance for a first impression. Why limit yourself by interpreting Amazon TOS to say you cannot do something when it doesn't? 

Mobile optimization is achieved by getting the little things correct from the very first time you list an item. Work these small changes into your initial listing process to take full advantage of the distribution Amazon gives new listings.

Mobile Search Results Presentation

Amazon Mobile Optimization Search Results View

A Word About Listing Optimization For Mobile

Based on Amazon's truncated standards for Mobile, we start all listing development allowing only that amount. Focus on getting the conversion with only an 80 character title, 200 characters of description, and three bullets.

Once you are happy with it, go back and add the rest of the words. Look at one of your existing listings right now. Extract the first 80 characters of the title, 200 characters of the description, and the first three bullets and set them aside. Now ask yourself, seriously, will that convert a buyer?

This is Amazon's Default Mobile Layout. Once a user clicks into your listing, that is what they will see. If that is all someone can see of your listing without digging deeper, will that motivate them to click? Your survival may be tied to your ability to ensure that the answer is yes! 

Mobile Listing Presentation Order

  • Title
  • Images
  • Variations
  • Price & Availability 
  • Buy Now Button 
  • Frequently Bought Together
  • Sponsored Products 
  • Compare With Similar Items
  • A+ Content
  • Description 
  • Bullets 
  • Product Information
  • Product Video Shorts
  • Frequently Bought Together 
  • Questions Asked 
  • More Sponsored Products 
  • Reviews
  • Customers Who Viewed This Also Viewed
  • Exclusive Offers From Amazon Owned Brands

You may not care, but if your competitor does, you may be in for a market-share loss. The most natural solution is A+ Content. It turns an ordinarily drab listing into what could be incredible marketing content. Let's assume, though, that you cannot get A+. How would/will you change your listing strategy?

If you do not have A+, you need to be thinking about this. Our approach is to craft our listing using only the 80/200/3 items. We ensure that our 'must-haves' and a strong call to action fit within those parameters. Once we are satisfied with that listing, then we finish with the remainder of the title, bullets, and description. You have to give it your best shot, or else you cannot compete.

PRO TIP: Product Differentiation will be your key to possibly achieving success on Amazon. How you get that difference across to your potential buyer is on you. Use your abilities to express your Unique Selling Proposition while satisfying their desires and triggering their emotions to get them to buy. This is what separates sellers apart and builds substantial businesses.

Title Optimization For Amazon Mobile Listings

There is no second chance for a first impression! You either catch their attention and receive the click, or you don't. Your title needs to state what the listing offers clearly. Amazon has additional rules for variations and bundles. 

Recently Amazon updated title requirements for all products. Listings found that do not follow these requirements run the risk of being suppressed. The standard for mobile listings is 80 characters. Amazon allows up to 200 characters in your title. 

Assume that you only get 80 and optimize your title, so the most critical information is in the first 80 characters. Your title must motivate the click within the first 80 characters to ensure that it is valid on any viewing device. Remember the priority, mobile-first layout optimization, human first listing optimization.

Standard Title Templates:

Brand + Keyword - Benefit + Feature + Keyword + Keyword
Keyword + Feature - Keyword + Keyword + Keyword
Brand + Keyword - Benefit + Keyword + Benefit + Keyword + Benefit

Image Optimization For Amazon Mobile Listings

Images require the least amount of change but are the most important part of any listing. They are a central focus of our efforts.   You have one chance at a first impression, make it count. 

Create positive experiences by presenting visuals that feature the product's superior qualities and messaging while triggering an emotional response.  That is going to increase your chances of getting the buy button pressed.

We recommend that you write out an image brief for your photographer with instructions and examples for each image. Do this after you have written your bullets.  

Starting with image #2 and the first bullet, match the points made in the bullet with each image.  Use text to call out features on the image.  Make sure the fonts are crisp, large enough to read and rework the text several times so that you say the most with the least amount of words.

mobile listing optimization

Listing Optimization - Mobile Images

Don't overlook the importance of lifestyle images.   People need to be able to visualize themselves using the product, lifestyle images are key.   

We have found that a small shift in how we take our pictures will make them appear much better. This enhances the user experience on mobile. As shown in the SERP sample, an image displayed as a portrait instead of a square is a better use of the available space.  If your goal is to make an impact on a potential buyer, then maximizing the use of the available space is important.

That placement in the search results determines whether on not they even see your listing detail. You have one chance at a first impression, your title and main image need every advantage possible.

Additionally, the portrait display does not impact the appearance via desktop. Amazon suggests using a square image and that will suffice. However, it is not ideal if your goal is to make an impact on a potential buyer.

Update Images To Stay Current

We transitioned all of our imagery from square to a portrait view several years ago. As a result, our products take up more of the available real estate on a screen. We can make better use of text on images with text also.

Amazon suggests square photos with a 1:1 ratio. We use taller images with a 2:3 or 4:5 ratio. While Amazon would suggest 2000px by 2000px, we would use a minimum of 2000 by 2500 (4:5) or 2000 by 3000 (2:3).

360 degree image optimization

Amazon Mobile Optimization - Listing Viewing Issues

Consider the small nature of a mobile device. We feel the portrait display has the most impact without deterring from any view on the desktop.

However, as shown below, proper planning is key to ensuring that layout cohesiveness and a smooth flow is achieved. Your objective with the layout is to make the listing flow and be easy on the eyes.  

landscape image optimization

Listing Optimization - Landscape vs. Portrait View

You cannot make the user struggle to read the text or identify an image because you did not lay out the listing right.  Consider the 360 imaging of the wrench and the video.

Both were shot in landscape view and presented in what otherwise is a square or portrait flow. The look minimizes the effect and benefits.

They both look a million times better when viewed with the phone turned sideways. Unfortunately, the video then breaks the A+ format it is inside of.

The tool image is wrapped by portrait images that now would not display as intended. Some sellers couldn't care less that the buyer has to fidget with their phone for the best viewing angle. 

Our position is that we do not inconvenience our buyers to convenience ourselves. Proper planning upfront will make it a non-issue before the listing ever goes live.

Advantages Of A+ Content On Mobile?

A+ Content (formerly EBC) is only available to sellers who have successfully completed Brand Registration. It allows the seller to present an additional graphical presentation of their products, benefits, and features.

A+ content appropriately done and presented with robust mobile optimization can be a game-changer. 

Once on the listing, it requires no further clicking for the viewer to see the full features. A+ doesn't replace the standard text description the way EBC did. Your description still shows but after the A+.

A+ Content has enhanced imagery and design features, which better differentiate a brand, driving brand recognition and engagement from new and returning buyers alike. 

A+ content optimization

Enhanced Brand Content on Mobile

The game-changing advantage of A+ is that it displays exceptionally well on mobile. It transforms it from a traditional amazon listing into one that showcases your brand and products if done right.  

A+ is modular, meaning it consists of blocks that go together to form the entire feature. It contains hero images with text and the option to add additional full-width header images or smaller skinnier, stackable modules that go together.

Use The Features To Your Advantage

In general, the full-width hero images do not look good on Mobile, being reduced in size to the point of being ineffective. Amazon suggests, and most sellers follow, by adding significant text to the mages themselves. These do not resize well at all and tend to look terrible.

All of the standard EBC templates provided by Amazon are now gone and have been replaced with A+ modular content blocks. New modules were added, and adding images and content to them is now mandatory. Adding a logo is now mandatory.

Also new, are the product Description Text Module and the Standard Text-Module, adding the ability to make your A+ more informative. You only get five modules, so you must use your space wisely. Do not embed text in an image unless the text is big and easy to read when the image is scaled for mobile.

Make sure your regular text is formatted in short paragraphs or bullets, sized well for mobile with plenty of white space around it. That will make it easier to read and more natural. Be careful with the full-width modules as they do not always scale well on mobile depending on what you put into it.

Verify Mobile Optimization By Checking Devices

Notice the image below; those are all full-width-images scaled for mobile. The best is the bottom one as it is big with no text and is easy to see. Compared to the bottom image, the middle one is impossible to see. It scaled terribly, and the writing is challenging to read.

The top image represents a great example of clear writing that makes an impact. It is big and comfortable to read, scaled-down.

Full Width Hero Images

Full Width Hero Images

An alternative option is to utilize the square modular aspects of A+ because they stack and look incredible on Mobile. That means choosing the modules that are not full width either three or four columns, which stack very well on mobile.

 A+ Content Default Guidelines:

  • Format readable text for mobile.  Small text sections with good spacing.
  • Use crisp, clean images formatted to fit on mobile
  • Use lists effectively
  • Avoid fixed text hero images with small text
  • If hero images are used, make them big, bold and any text readable on mobile
  • Utilize A+'s native modular format for proper stack-able viewing on mobile

If you were undecided on the importance of Brand Registry, which is a requirement to use A+ content, let this be your deciding factor. The amount of sales that having A+ will affect is immeasurable because of the game-changer that it is on mobile devices.

Please share this post with someone who can benefit from these optimizations.

Description Optimization For Mobile Listings

On Mobile, the description appears before the bullets, and only the first 200 characters shown. It is imperative that you craft your descriptions with this knowledge as a basis for the design. Many sellers put minimal effort into the description.

If you do not have A+, the strength of your description will be critical to your success. Prioritize your description layout wisely. Include a call to action just before the 200 character mark.

We take a different approach to listings. Sellers have a habit of selling features. They do not take the time to learn about their audience and what might motivate the sale. Potential buyers have a reasonably good idea of the features that they seek. Packing them into your bullets accomplishes nothing unless you have a feature that sets your items apart.

If you are unsure what to include for your description, start with the template below by listing:

  • Features that we have that are different from all of the competitors
  • Items review research indicated that buyers like
  • Items review research showed that buyers do not like
  • Central questions that buyers asked in the Q & A section of other listings
  • Features that we have in common with all of the competitors

From these lists, we position ourselves as the obvious choice by focusing on what sets us apart. We build up the things that they like. We solve the issues that they do not like. We ensure that enough details are included to answer the main questions. Depending on the product and brand, we may tell the brand story and give buyers something to get behind.

It is essential that you break up your description into short easy to read paragraphs using the simple HTML that Amazon allows.

PRO TIP: Effective July 17th, 2021, Amazon will no longer allow HTML in the product descriptions.  They have clearly stated that they will begin suppressing listings or portions of a listing containing HTML.  It is to your advantage to remove it beforehand or at least have a flat file formatted and ready to upload by the 17th.

Bullet Point Optimization

Since you only get three bullets displaying as standard on a mobile listing, you need to prioritize them. Add what is most important to your audience in the first three bullets. Amazon has an extensive list of what it feels should be included in the bullets for different categories in SellerCentral. It is best to include a call to action in bullet number 3 as well. Find out what is essential to your audience in their own words.

Study the reviews and questions asked on your listing and your competitor's listings. Do not ignore comparable listings on other marketplaces. You never know what you may find. Reword the resulting benefit to include your keywords. Solve their pain points!

How Should You Write Your Bullets For A Mobile Optimized Listing? 

Far too often, we see listings with a novel for the five bullets. Sellers don't understand, nor do they take a moment to consider tendencies of society today. People do not read; they scan. Heat map studies and other studies show that a user's eye moves back and forth across the title. It then moves down the left side looking for something short, simple, and enticing.

If you do not start your bullets with an enticing emotional motivator and it seems like a novel, chances are you lost them already.

People buy based on emotional responses. They justify their purchase based on features. Your job is to identify and trigger the emotional response needed to get their finger on that buy button. People typically don't read; they scan. They are looking for something easy to ingest and enticing.

Grab your potential buyer by the emotions and make them think 'wow, look at this listing.' Then give them a bullet that solves the biggest complaint from your competitors' reviews, making them think, 'Look at this. It does... which those others do not'.

Then give them a clear call to action, making them think 'I like this. It has just what I need. I need to get this. I need this now' They push the buy button before even thinking about scrolling to see the reviews.

There is only a small amount of real estate available for bullets in a mobile-optimized listing. It is imperative to your sales that your bullets are strong emotional motivators.

Product Description Optimization

This is the section that Amazon specifically sets apart for Technical Information and Additional Information. It is the perfect way to showcase features in a quick, one at a time list fashion. You do not get to explain any features; you state what they are under the correct heading.

Those that sell complicated, technical items know of these fields as they are required. This section also aids Amazon in further classifying your product. Open up the detail of any of your listings within Sellercentral and click the final tab. Is it blank? 

If it is, you are leaving sales for your competitors that do fill it out. It is where you add the technical information for your products, technical being Amazons' word for specific features. Tests have shown this aids in assisting Amazon with determining relevance.

If you have a particular feature that sets you apart from your competitors, make sure it displays here also. The available fields vary by category, but this is an area that most sellers do not populate. Those that do this, understand the benefits of better classification.

Product Information

Product Information

Amazon Video Shorts For Mobile Listings

Amazon Video Shorts For Mobile Listings

Amazon Video Shorts

At the product listing level, videos display like images. In terms of mobile optimization, the buyers' knowledge of swiping to see additional photos is critical. Amazon Video Shorts are best when used as infomercials.

They can be generic and apply to classes of products, or they can be product-specific and used to drive additional traffic to a listing. Video shorts are a great way to show unboxing or instructional videos. Each video refers to a specific ASIN in the name.

I'd recommend also sharing these videos on social sites, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., for additional traffic driven right to the video URL.

Conclusion - Mobile Listing Optimization Has A Direct Effect On Your Success

By now, we sincerely hope you understand the importance and opportunity possible with an optimized listing. Mobile Listing Optimization will fine-tune the relevance of your existing listing. It leads to better search results & additional clicks, allowing you to increase conversions and sales.

Ultimately this should increase buyer completion and satisfaction. Incorporate this into your listing planning today. You need to truly understand your audience, their motivation for needing your product, and how to communicate the right message. Then fine-tuning your listing for relevance will only add to the ranking, sales, and success of the listing overall.

What should you do now? First, hopefully, you soon realize the importance of Quality over Quantity and that pinpoint relevance is a must. The actual available real estate to get your message across just got much smaller. Overlooking the Amazon Mobile Optimization standard of 80/200/3 is giving a gift to the seller that focuses on it.   Don't be that person.

Remember, you are still indexed for the full amount of bullets, etc. If you think you can ignore the importance and implications, go right ahead. Those sellers that optimize for mobile say thank you very much; you make their job easier. Getting it correct can be a little tricky and should take some trial and error testing.

If you can train yourself to create all listings from a mobile-first perspective, it becomes much more comfortable in the long run. Those that learn to do this second nature will benefit the most until the majority of sellers begin doing this as standard.

Amazon Mobile Listing Optimization

About the author 

Joe Reichsfeld

Joe Reichsfeld is an E-commerce Coach and Consultant who has been helping entrepreneurs succeed online since 1999. Before E-commerce, Joe spent almost 20 years managing and consulting in the food and beverage industry. His background, plus years of experience working with thousands of sellers, gives him a unique perspective and approach that has helped many clients.

Joe currently works with solopreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, and Fortune 500 companies. He helps his clients create strong brands—using organic and paid methods—that have proven to deliver sustainable sales, traffic, and long-term growth. His strategies help clients dominate their niches and reach a larger target audience while diversifying across markets and borders. Book a 1 on 1 coaching call with Joe today and find out how he can help your business grow!


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“Using Joe’s techniques, I was able to engage my target audience in a way like never before to create social proof for my product, gain reviews, and build traction in my niche. With Joe’s methods, I was truly able to add value to my product like no other seller in the market.”

Adam L. (Amazon 3rd Part Seller)

“Ecommerce Optimizer was a huge benefit to my business. Leveraging tested methods and fundamentals I was able to tune my existing marketing and add new forms to reach potential customers without wasting tons of money. My weekly sales baseline increase 3 fold over 6 months and I was able to keep my marketing budget the same. Solid business fundamental a must if you're looking to grow your business.”

Dave H. (Amazon 3rd Party Seller)

“We have seen substantial growth in our online sales while also expanding into markets and onto platforms we wouldn't have with ease and success.   Joes' insight has enabled us to avoid making costly mistakes while optimizing our existing listings and increasing sales on them as well.   His knowledge of how the marketplaces function saved us quite a bit, almost 100k a year in fees on Amazon alone.   This has been a very positive experience for us and we look forward to continue working together. ”

Chris D. (Amazon Vendor, Multi-Channel Worldwide Brand)